Product feedback for apps of all shapes and sizes. Privacy included.

We make receiving customer feedback easy and private.

Feedbackbulb SDK for iOS and macOS
Feedbackbulb SDK for iOS and macOS

Complete Toolbox

Get started quickly

Feedbackbulb includes ready-made components for common platforms, so you can get started in minutes.

Real-time reports.
Feedback reports become available in the dashboard the moment we process them.
Incoming channels.
Receive feedback from email, mobile app, website, connected Fediverse (Mastodon) account, and more coming soon. We have SDKs and starter templates for multiple platforms and a REST API in case you want to build something custom.
Feedback reports may include an attachment like a picture, screenshot, video, or audio recording or a PDF document. As a developer, you can add additional metadata and custom attributes to each feedback report.
GDPR Compliance.
Feedbackbulb is a single, convenient hub for all your customer feedback. We ensure that anonymous feedback reports are processed securely. Our toolbox does not collect personal information by default, has no client-side telemetry, and we never user cookies for tracking.
Product screenshot

By indie for indie

Everything you need to get feedback

Easy to get started on iOS and the web and more. Ready-made feedback widgets make it easy be up and running in no time.

Iluminate your product's potential, responsibly.
Your secure, privacy-focused feedback solution. We respect your users' privacy, providing encrypted, GDPR-compliant services. Gather invaluable insights while ensuring personal data stays personal. Offering an optional feature to remove all user information post-reply, we help you focus purely on feedback.
Illuminate your user's voice in real-time.
Stay ahead with Feedbackbulb's real-time feedback stream. Keep it open like a dynamic wallboard - instant updates, new reports ready to tackle. With Feedbackbulb, never miss a beat in managing user feedback. Illuminate your user's voice in real-time.
Bring every piece of feedback into one illuminating hub.
Unleash the power of integrations with Feedbackbulb. Incorporate voices from diverse platforms - Email, Fediverse (Mastodon), and more. Check out your app's settings for available channels in your region.
Light the way with responsive feedback management.
Reply effortlessly with Feedbackbulb's outgoing channel support. Directly address feedback reports from our platform. With Feedbackbulb, responding to user's voice is as straightforward as it gets.
Feedback Toolbox
We offer ready-made widgets for collecting different kinds of feedback. Use one of ours or integrate your own via our API.